Saturday, October 29, 2022

Listen in Nature

One way that we can pray to God is out in nature.

In cities, we have so many noises and notifications, distractions and demands on our time.

At a state park, it is possible to hike far enough to let the sounds of civilization fade, as we are too far from the road to hear cars and our cell phones barely connect to the internet.

Instead of hearing our usual sounds, we can sit and breathe out in nature, as we listen to...
-animals moving
-a stream
-the wind in the trees

And once we have found silence, we can better listen for what God is telling us. 

Yes, we can bring our laundry list of requests to God out in nature, but I challenge us to use the time in nature to be still, be silent, and be attentive to what God is saying. 

Listen and notice what God has created.
Listen and notice what God is telling you.

Saturday, October 15, 2022

Pray for the Blind

October 15th is White Cane Safety Day, so we are taking time today to pray for those who are blind or who have visual impairments. 

Before you jump in with prayers for the blind to receive their sight and before you start belting out Amazing Grace, STOP.

Read the article above about what white cane safety day is.

Listen to a podcast or an online video by a blind person about being blind. 
Suggested themes to search:
*white cane day
*accessibility issues for blind
*guiding a blind person
*how to assist a blind person
*top annoyances for blind people (spoiler: going up to a blind person and asking to pray for their sight to be restored is mentioned in the top annoyances in several videos.) 

Learn what struggles blind people are having due to the lack of accessibility and general public ignorance. (Bonus points for writing to your representatives to actual DO something to improve accessibility).

Imagine having people come up to you and asking "Can I pray for you to lose weight?" or "Can I pray for you to become healthier?" 
Would you be offended? 
Would you think the person was presumptuous and rude? 
Would you be irritated that a person looked at you and made a snap decision on what THEY thought you needed prayer for? 
Would you have preferred to be asked "How can I pray for you?" 
Would you prefer not to discuss your prayer requests with a stranger? 

My go-to prayer for strangers is "God, be with them." Because I do not know their story. I do not know their struggles and successes. I would not want to open up to someone I just met, so why would I expect another person (with or without a disability) to open up to me? 

No one can stop you from silently praying for a blind person to receive healing and sight, but approaching them and wanting to pray that over them may not be what they want. Maybe they are in the mall to do their shopping. We may not get the "warm fuzzies" when we pray silently for a person instead of praying aloud, but that is not our goal in prayer. If we are upsetting people by going up to them and asking to pray for their sight to be restored, then we are doing more harm than good.

How can you pray for the blind today? 

Saturday, October 1, 2022

Pray for the Marginalized

Pray for those on the margins of society, those whose voices get drowned out and whose needs get ignored.

Pray for the homeless.
Pray for the poor.
Pray for orphans and children in the foster system.
Pray for widows and widowers.
Pray for immigrants, refugees, and asylum-seekers.
Pray for those with disabilities and compromised immune systems.
Pray for the overworked and those underpaid.
Pray for those looking for jobs.

Then ask God, how He would have you care for these people and help them.