Saturday, October 28, 2023

Praying for Jewish People

There are 7.8 billion people on this planet. Only 2.6 billion of them are Christians. We will consider blog post by blog post ways to pray for the remaining 5.2 billion people on the planet. 

There are 16 million Jews in the world. Today, we are going to focus on praying for them. 

Pray for Jews to encounter Christ through dreams, visions, and conversations.

Pray for Christians to engage in respectful dialogue with Jews, where questions can be asked, considered, and answered.

Pray for Jews to encounter and study Christian resources, such as radio stations, books, and other media.

As Christians, we believe there is only one way to heaven, namely through faith in Jesus Christ, so we ought to be interceding for those who do not accept Him as Savior and Lord. More than praying for Jews to become Christians, we ought to also be sharing the Good News with them, building friendships with them, and walking alongside them as we show them who Jesus is. 

Saturday, October 14, 2023

Praying for Indigenous Religious People

There are 7.8 billion people on this planet. Only 2.6 billion of them are Christians. We will consider blog post by blog post ways to pray for the remaining 5.2 billion people on the planet. 

There are 400 million adherents of indigenous religions in the world. Today, we are going to focus on praying for them. 

Pray for practitioners of indigenous religions to encounter Christ through dreams, visions, and conversations.

Pray for Christians to engage in respectful dialogue with them, where questions can be asked, considered, and answered.

Pray for followers of indigenous religions to encounter and study Christian resources, such as radio stations, books, and other media.

As Christians, we believe there is only one way to heaven, namely through faith in Jesus Christ, so we ought to be interceding for those who do not accept Him as Savior and Lord. More than praying for them to become Christians, we ought to also be sharing the Good News with them, building friendships with them, and walking alongside them as we show them who Jesus is. 

Monday, October 9, 2023

Praying for Both Gaza and Israel

 Pray for Israel, but also pray for the civilians in Gaza as well.

Israel's defense minister was quoted as saying ""No electricity, no food, no water, no gas - it's all closed," he said, adding that "we are fighting animals and are acting accordingly.""

Let me be explicitly clear: People are not animals. When we dehumanize people, we begin to head toward genocide and we kill off a part of our own humanity inside us as well.

People need food and water. People with medical problems need electricity. People need medicine. The people living in Gaza are struggling with food insecurity because of the violence and now are having their access to water and electricity cut off.

This is breaking my heart. Yes, the group Hamas are terrorists and committed acts of terror, but Palestine, and Gaza in particular, is NOT 100% Hamas.

We have all these groups halting aid to Palestine, whereby Palestinians are suffering along with the Israelis (attacked by Israel and oppressed by Hamas).

We can mourn the attack on Israel and condemn the actions of Hamas WITHOUT cutting off essentials to life. Pray for Israel, but also pray for the civilians in Gaza.