Saturday, July 22, 2023

Pray Using Acronyms: JOY

There are many acronyms we can use to remind ourselves topics to pray for. This post will highlight one of them: the JOY method.

JOY gives us three categories to pray through:
J: Jesus
O: Others
Y: You

In our first section, we are focusing on requests close to Jesus' heart. 
-Pray for the lost (Luke 19:10)
-Pray for Christ-followers, including you and me, to obey the Great Commission (Matthew 28:16-20)
-Pray for people to repent (Matthew 4:17)
-Pray for those on the margins of society: the orphans, the widows, foreigners, the poor, people with disabilities (Matthew 25:31-46)
-Good news to be proclaimed to the poor, prisoners to be freed, the blind to see, and the oppressed to be set free (Luke 4:14-29)
-Pray for peace (John 16:33)
-Pray for those mentioned in the Beatitudes (Matthew 5:3-12)
-Pray for your enemies and persecutors (Matthew 5:43-48)

In our second section, we are focusing on requests of other people.
What have people asked you to pray for? 
What concerns do you have for your family and friends? 

In the third and final section, we are focusing on requests for yourself.
What vices is the Holy Spirit convicting you of?
What virtues is the Holy Spirit wanting to grow in you? 
What areas of your life do you need God's wisdom, guidance, and direction? 

Challenge: Take time this week to pray using the JOY method. 
Reflect on your experience. Which part was hard for you to do? Which part came the most naturally to you? 

Saturday, July 8, 2023

Pray Using Acronyms: ACTS

There are many acronyms we can use to remind ourselves topics to pray for. This post will highlight one of them: the ACTS method.

ACTS gives us four categories to pray through:
A: Adoration
C: Confession
T: Thanksgiving
S: Supplication (making requests)

When we adore God, we can worship Him for who He is and praising Him for what He has done. We can focus on His characteristics and His faithful actions.

When we confess to God, we can admit the wrong things we have done (sins of commission) and the good things we have failed to do (sins of omission). We can repent of the nudges of the Spirit that we have ignored, as well as our tendency to be so busy that we drown out God's voice.

When we give thanks to God, we can be grateful for what He has provided in our lives. We can even be thankful for things that frustrate us, because we might see a blessing behind the frustration. For example, if dishes in the sink is frustrating, we can be grateful that we have eaten today.

Finally, when we make supplications to God, we are making requests of Him. We can make these requests on our behalf or on the behalf of others. Our tendency is to dictate to God what the problem is AND what we think the solution should be. It is humbling and unnerving to pray without telling God what outcome He should give, but to rather present the problem and trust in His solution in His timing. 

Challenge: Take time this week to pray using the ACTS method. 
Reflect on your experience. Which part was hard for you to do? Which part came the most naturally to you?